. */ namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees; /** * Defined in session.php * * @global Tree $WT_TREE */ global $WT_TREE; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Controller\RelationshipController; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\Functions; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\FunctionsEdit; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Functions\FunctionsPrint; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\RelationshipsChartModule; define('WT_SCRIPT_NAME', 'relationship.php'); require './includes/session.php'; $max_recursion = $WT_TREE->getPreference('RELATIONSHIP_RECURSION', RelationshipsChartModule::DEFAULT_RECURSION); $ancestors_only = $WT_TREE->getPreference('RELATIONSHIP_ANCESTORS', RelationshipsChartModule::DEFAULT_ANCESTORS); $controller = new RelationshipController; $pid1 = Filter::get('pid1', WT_REGEX_XREF); $pid2 = Filter::get('pid2', WT_REGEX_XREF); $show_full = Filter::getInteger('show_full', 0, 1, $WT_TREE->getPreference('PEDIGREE_FULL_DETAILS')); $recursion = Filter::getInteger('recursion', 0, $max_recursion, 0); $ancestors = Filter::getInteger('ancestors', 0, 1, 0); $person1 = Individual::getInstance($pid1, $WT_TREE); $person2 = Individual::getInstance($pid2, $WT_TREE); $controller ->restrictAccess(Module::isActiveChart($WT_TREE, 'relationships_chart')) ->addExternalJavascript(WT_AUTOCOMPLETE_JS_URL) ->addInlineJavascript('autocomplete();'); if ($person1 && $person2) { $controller ->setPageTitle(I18N::translate(/* I18N: %s are individual’s names */ 'Relationships between %1$s and %2$s', $person1->getFullName(), $person2->getFullName())) ->pageHeader(); $paths = $controller->calculateRelationships($person1, $person2, $recursion, (bool) $ancestors); } else { $controller ->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Relationships')) ->pageHeader(); $paths = array(); } ?>

getPageTitle() ?>

'; $diagonal1 = Theme::theme()->parameter('image-dline'); $diagonal2 = Theme::theme()->parameter('image-dline2'); } else { $horizontal_arrow = '
'; $diagonal1 = Theme::theme()->parameter('image-dline2'); $diagonal2 = Theme::theme()->parameter('image-dline'); } $up_arrow = ' '; $down_arrow = ' '; $num_paths = 0; foreach ($paths as $path) { // Extract the relationship names between pairs of individuals $relationships = $controller->oldStyleRelationshipPath($path); if (empty($relationships)) { // Cannot see one of the families/individuals, due to privacy; continue; } echo '

', I18N::translate('Relationship: %s', Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath(implode('', $relationships), $person1, $person2)), '

'; $num_paths++; // Use a table/grid for layout. $table = array(); // Current position in the grid. $x = 0; $y = 0; // Extent of the grid. $min_y = 0; $max_y = 0; $max_x = 0; // For each node in the path. foreach ($path as $n => $xref) { if ($n % 2 === 1) { switch ($relationships[$n]) { case 'hus': case 'wif': case 'spo': case 'bro': case 'sis': case 'sib': $table[$x + 1][$y] = '
' . Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath($relationships[$n], Individual::getInstance($path[$n - 1], $WT_TREE), Individual::getInstance($path[$n + 1], $WT_TREE)) . '
' . $horizontal_arrow . '
'; $x += 2; break; case 'son': case 'dau': case 'chi': if ($n > 2 && preg_match('/fat|mot|par/', $relationships[$n - 2])) { $table[$x + 1][$y - 1] = '
' . Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath($relationships[$n], Individual::getInstance($path[$n - 1], $WT_TREE), Individual::getInstance($path[$n + 1], $WT_TREE)) . '
' . $down_arrow . '
'; $x += 2; } else { $table[$x][$y - 1] = '
' . Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath($relationships[$n], Individual::getInstance($path[$n - 1], $WT_TREE), Individual::getInstance($path[$n + 1], $WT_TREE)) . '
' . $down_arrow . '
'; } $y -= 2; break; case 'fat': case 'mot': case 'par': if ($n > 2 && preg_match('/son|dau|chi/', $relationships[$n - 2])) { $table[$x + 1][$y + 1] = '
' . Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath($relationships[$n], Individual::getInstance($path[$n - 1], $WT_TREE), Individual::getInstance($path[$n + 1], $WT_TREE)) . '
' . $up_arrow . '
'; $x += 2; } else { $table[$x][$y + 1] = '
' . Functions::getRelationshipNameFromPath($relationships[$n], Individual::getInstance($path[$n - 1], $WT_TREE), Individual::getInstance($path[$n + 1], $WT_TREE)) . '
' . $up_arrow . '
'; } $y += 2; break; } $max_x = max($max_x, $x); $min_y = min($min_y, $y); $max_y = max($max_y, $y); } else { $individual = Individual::getInstance($xref, $WT_TREE); ob_start(); FunctionsPrint::printPedigreePerson($individual, $show_full); $table[$x][$y] = ob_get_clean(); } } echo ''; for ($y = $max_y; $y >= $min_y; --$y) { echo ''; for ($x = 0; $x <= $max_x; ++$x) { echo ''; } echo ''; } echo '
'; if (isset($table[$x][$y])) { echo $table[$x][$y]; } echo '
'; } if (!$num_paths) { echo '

', I18N::translate('No link between the two individuals could be found.'), '

'; } }